Our Eyes Beneath the Sea
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
Marcel Proust
The ocean occupies 70% of the earth, and influences almost every aspect of our life.Nevertheless, it is a complex environment that it is hard to explore and thus still little is known about it.​ The lab is intrigued by both the challenges in ocean research as well as the discoveries that lay behind solving these challenges. The lab's goal is to develop novel optical imaging systems and computer vision methods to explore the ocean and its inhabitants.​
Research Interests:
Imaging | Underwater Sensing | Oceanic Engineering | Computer Vision | Computational Photography

Prof. Tali Treibitz
Heading the Marine Imaging Lab, in the Department for Marine Technologies, Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa. Here is my full CV.
Previously: I was a post-doc, working with Prof. David Kriegman in the Computer Vision group, Computer Science and Engineering department in the University of California, San Diego, and with Prof. Jules Jaffe in the Jaffe laboratory for Underwater Imaging in the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
My Ph.D.: "Geometry and Photometry of Imaging Through a Medium", Electrical Engineering, Technion, under the supervision of Prof. Yoav Schechner, in the Hybrid Imaging lab.
Based on the developments in the lab we established SeaErra-Vision, developing intelligent vision solutions for the underwater world.

Employment opportunities