Severe cold-water bleaching of a deep-water reef underscores future challenges for Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems
Alan D. Foreman, Nicolas N. Duprey, Matan Yuval, Marielle Dumestre, Jennifer N. Leichliter, Mark C. Rohr, Rose C.A. Dodwell, Guy A.S. Dodwell, Eric E.G. Clua, Tali Treibitz, Alfredo MartÃnez-GarcÃa
Science of the Total Environment

The Coral Reef Sentinels Program: A Mars Shot for Blue Planetary Health
David I. Kline, Alex Dehgan, Paul Bunje, Shah Selbe, Ved Chirayath, Oscar Pizarro, Matthieu Leray, Sean Connolly, Pim Bongaerts, Tali Treibitz, Oren Levy, David Kriegman, Andreas Andersson, Melanie McField, and J. Emmett Duffy
Marine Technology Society Journal

Report on the Marine Imaging Workshop 2017, Research Ideas and Outcomes 3
Schoening T, Durden J, Preuss I, Branzan Albu A, Purser A, De Smet B, Dominguez-Carrio C, Yesson C, de Jonge D, Lindsay D, Schulz J, Möller K, Beisiegel K, Kuhnz L, Hoeberechts M, Piechaud N, Sharuga S, Treibitz T
Marine Imaging Workshop 2017

Towards automated annotation of benthic survey images: variability of human experts and operational modes of automation
O. Beijbom, P. J. Edmunds, T-Y. Fan, C. Roelfsema, J. Smith, M. J. Dunlap, D. I. Kline, V. Moriarty, B. P. Neal, C-J. Tan, S. Chan, A. Chen, T. Treibitz, B. G. Mitchell, D. Kriegman